Your questions, answered! Business Intelligence Architecture.

Your questions, answered! Business Intelligence Architecture.

It's here and it's back, by popular demand! 


Business Intelligence Architecture is the fully updated version of our cutting-edge Leadership Program. In the program you will:

  • Experience lectures, videos, discussions, collaborative activities and more;
  • Push yourself beyond what you thought you were capable of;
  • Explore the SCL response to the COVID pandemic and the issues and challenges we continue to face; and
  • Understand that leadership is a verb - it is a skill to be learned, practiced and honed. 
Key topics include:
  • Complexity – The Organization and Global Business
  • Competitive Advantage – What we need to do
  • Change Enablement – How to change to face the new normal
  • Value Creation Strategies – Customers, Customers, Customers
  • Strategic Leadership – Responsible Leadership
  • Market Differentiation – Business/Product Network Design
  • Disruption  - Impact of Big Data

In preparation of the program, we sat down with Director of Programs, Jasmine Gill, to discuss your most-asked questions about our Leadership Program.


Jasmine, what can we expect from Business Intelligence Architecture (BIA)?

BIA is the newest iteration of our cutting-edge, infamous Leadership Program, set to push you outside of your comfort zone more than ever before. That means we're talking about upgrades and updates that consider the unique climate we faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the issues and challenges that continue to plague organizations. When you leave on Friday, you can turn around and apply our toolkits directly to whatever you're facing in your organization. 


What's the format of the program?
The program takes place over 5 days, in-person, at the Alliance Leadership Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Think of it as your fast track option for earning the P.Log designation. The days are broken up into 4 sessions that run from 9am-5pm each day with a lunch break and 2 snack breaks. 
Each day's sessions vary from lectures, to spirited discussions, to videos and even collaborative team activities. We have mediums to fit every participant's needs and incredible new insights following COVID. 
Is there a hybrid/online option?
At this time, no hybrid or online option is available for Business Intelligence Architecture. This is intentional on our part. We find there's less of an interest in online or virtual learning environments and we want to maximize the group experience. 
If you're looking for an online experience, the closest option is Business Innovation Architecture, found here
What do I get for attending the program?
Outside of the incredible learning and experience with your peers if you have not yet earned your P.Log, full participation results in doing so. This is particularly exciting to us as we continue to build our P.Log community. 
For our valued current P.Logs, you receive two years of your professional development credits required by your designation. Depending on when you do the program, your renewal fee may also be covered for the upcoming P.Log Year. 
Who are the facilitators?
As a participant, you have the opportunity to make the most of presentations and discussions facilitated by none other than our Founding President, Victor Deyglio! 
Will I have to do anything before Session 1?
Yes! To make the most of this program, pre-work is required. It will be sent 14 days prior to the start of BIA and on average takes 20-24 hours to complete. 
The pre-work is your introduction to the concepts and tools embedded in the program. This intro will get you thinking about the issues supply chains face and how the landscape can - and must - change over the next decade. All of this is to prepare you for the interactive learning itself.
What does my program fee cover?
Your program fee covers all course materials, a light breakfast each morning, lunch every day, and two snacks - mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Wifi is also provided, so you never have to feel disconnected.
How do I get to the Alliance Leadership Centre?
The Alliance Leadership Centre is located at 405-501 Alliance Avenue in Toronto, Ontario. Free parking is available should you choose to drive yourself. It is accessible via the TTC as well. 
What if I come from out of town?
While your accommodation and travel are not covered in your fee, we're happy to recommend nearby hotels and amenities should you be looking for options. 
How many people attend the program?
Seats are extremely limited! This helps us protect the integrity of the program and ensure our participants really get the full experience. We find that the seats do fill up fast and encourage you to reserve your seat sooner rather than later!
Does this program qualify me for an income tax receipt? 
It does! A receipt will be provided for you upon completion of the program for you to file with your taxes. 
What if I need approval or have to go through an internal process to get company support and/or funding?
We are happy to work with you, and/or your organization to ensure you can attend. Give me a call at 437-288-9100 and we can discuss an instalment plan that works for you. You're also welcome to reach out to our contact email for more information.
How do I reserve my seat?
Order online through the BIA Program Page! Once you have made your purchase, your seat is saved. If you need any assistance or would prefer to go through the instalment process, please reach out as soon as possible. Seats fill up extremely fast! 
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