11/12.23 Edition
In this issue...
November 1st marks the new professional year at The Logistics Institute (did you know our professional year runs from November 1st to October 31st?).
In honour of our “New Year” we wanted to take some time, and in deference to those who are new to The Logistics Institute, to help you understand our story.
Quick Facts:
- The Logistics Institute’s vision is to develop certified, accredited leaders, regardless of their role or responsibilities.
- We emphasize that the key to organizational success is having the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles.
- The P.Log is not an ordinary certification – it is unique in that it provides personal development as well as professional development
- Our P.Log pathways aren’t lecture-based; apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
- While the P.Log is naturally ideal for those in the SCL industry, we view our programs as opportunities for everyone to develop their skills through the lens of supply chain and logistics challenges. Everyone deals with logistics, whether you’re planning birthday party, or moving goods from halfway across the world – the P.Log benefits everyone.
For a broader view of The Logistics Institute, we encourage you to visit loginstitute.ca/pages/about-us
Account Activation
It has come to our attention that some accounts still have not been activated. This is a necessary step in accessing your account and all of the features they come with. This does require action on your part! Please email loginfo@loginstitute.ca if you are having trouble logging in.
MacKay CEO Forums
On December 4th, the Alliance Leadership Centre had the pleasure of hosting MacKay CEO Forums. Seasoned members from top organizations such as Reliable Logistics, Heart and Stroke, and A&W Food Services shared their experiences and engaged in a fascinating dialogue about leadership tactics and growth strategies.
Want to host your own event with us? Reach out via phone or email to get started →
Coming 2024...
Have you been thinking about registering for Applied Innovation? What about referring someone to the Process Management Program? Come January, our programs and professional development opportunities will be receiving a makeover! Register before December 20th to receive seasonal pricing, and get started before the end of 2023!
Benefits of a professional community:
From mentorship opportunities, to exposure, there are a lot of key benefits to being a part of a professional community! Read More.
5 questions for leaders:
Regardless of whether you believe we can return to life the way it was pre-pandemic, or are firmly entrenched in this 'new normal', here are 5 questions leaders should be asking themselves. Read More.
Why is professional development important?
It's almost 2024, have you thought of your own professional development goals? Professional development continues to be critical, whether you are ensuring your skills are current, or trying to get your resume to the top of a pile. Here are some thoughts on setting your professional development goals in 2024. Read More.