Board of Directors
Executive Committee

John Duncan, P.Log.
Chair Emeritus
Heathview Consulting Ltd. – Toronto, Ontario
John is Managing Director, Heathview Consulting Ltd, an executive coaching, organizational effectiveness and strategic performance management consulting practice with offices based in Toronto and London, UK.
He is a Board Member whose portfolio includes: Advisor Boards at GP Strategies and Equinoxe LifeCare; Member of the Senior HR Executive Advisory Council of the Human Resources Professionals Association; and the Board of Directors of Mental Health International.
From 2010 to 2014, John was Group HR Director for Royal Mail, UK, a period that included listing the company on the London Stock Exchange in October 2013. John previously held a number of senior executive roles with Canada Post as well as sitting on the boards of SCI Group, the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the Business Disability Forum, and the International Advisory Board for Executive Education, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.
His professional qualifications include: P.Log, Chartered Director, Certified Management Consultant, Certified Human Resource Executive, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and Fellow of the Institute of Directors.
John holds a BA in Law from Carleton University, an MBA from the University of Ottawa, an MSc in Education from the University of Pennsylvania, and is completing his doctorate in the University of Pennsylvania CLO programme.

Bryn Weadon, P.Log.
Canadian Armed Forces (Retired) – Beaverbank, Nova Scotia
Bryn served 35 years with the Canadian Forces in a variety of sea-going and shore positions involving finance, logistics, and recruiting; his final appointment in 2007 was Assistant Deputy Minister Finance and Corporate Services and Senior Financial Officer for National Defence.
Since retirement, Bryn has been involved in the delivery of CPA/CMA programs in Atlantic Canada and the Caribbean and is an active volunteer as the National Treasurer of the Navy League of Canada, Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association, and the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust.
He is also Director and Chair of the Disbursement Advisory Committee for the True Patriot Love Foundation and a Governor of Commissionaires Nova Scotia.
Bryn has been a P.Log. for over 20 years.

Michael Snedden, P.Log.
Vice Chair, Administration
Rogers Communications – Toronto, Ontario
Michael has an expansive background in supply chain logistics ranging from supply & inventory management, distribution & fulfillment, solution design and business development.
Having previously held logistics positions at IBM Canada Ltd., Michael has over 25 years of supply chain experience and is currently Director, Residential Supply Chain at Rogers Communications.
He has been a P.Log. for over 20 years.

Tom Edward, P.Log.
Vice Chair, Development
Canada Clean Fuels – Toronto, Ontario
Tom is a supply chain executive with 20 years of experience covering all aspects of operations, including roles at Manitoulin Group of Companies and CAA.
A life long learner with a passion for innovating, leading teams and managing diverse networks, Tom is currently Chief Operating Officer at Canada Clean Fuels.
He has been a P.Log. for over 10 years.

Darren Drouillard, P.Log.
Powerline Logistics Services Inc. – Cambridge, Ontario
Darren Drouillard, P.Log., P.A.In., is the Executive Vice President for the Powerline Logistics Suite of companies which includes Powerline Logistics (supply chain brokerage specializing in transportation, warehousing, and ocean/air service), Cambridge Freightlines Ltd. (asset-based trucking specializing in local transport and trailer leasing), and Lara-Jenna Properties (RealCo Company specializing in yard and office leasing).
Darren has held several Director positions on various boards throughout his career. He is currently the Past-Chair of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce and a current member of Cambridge’s Economic Development Committee. He also previously sat as the Vice-Chair of the National Transportation Brokers Association (NTBA).
With 10+ years of Logistics and Board experience, Darren is excited and committed to using his skill-set to continue the growth and success of The Logistics Institute and, as Treasurer, takes great care and responsibility in ensuring the financial well-being of the institute.
Directors at Large

Douglas Baquero, P.Log.
Clothing Pick Up for Cerebral Palsy [CP4CP] - Toronto, Ontario
His passion for humanitarian logistics has led his career to include the International Federation of the Red Cross, and the International Medical Corps. A Global Operations / Logistics and Supply Chain professional, Doug has had successful experience creating and managing continuous improvements programs and projects across the globe.
Having lived extensively and worked experience overseas, Doug’s track record includes training, coaching, evaluating, motivating, and leading successful team of employees. Bilingual English/Spanish.
Since 2019, Doug has served as the Chief Executive Officer for CP4CP. A motivated and passionate leader, Doug has the ability to design and implement transformational organizational strategies, with a focus on building strong partnerships and alliances.
Doug earned his P.Log. in 2009.

Jim Browne, P.Log.
Federal Express Canada – Mississauga, Ontario
Jim is an accomplished senior logistics professional with 45+ years of experience managing complex operations , both aviation and ground related. He has spent the last 25 years with Federal Express Canada, leading a team responsible for all domestic Canadian aviation planning.
In concert with Memphis Global Ops Control, he and his team liaise with all operating airports in Canada to coordinate transborder flight operations and connect cargoes to their next or final destination. His claim to fame is his unparallelled problem-solving around the variety of delays that occur in the transport sector – like weather or mechanical issues – to maximize on time performance.
Jim was previously employed with CPAir/Canadian Airlines and spent time handling everything from ramp operations, to training in all operating aircraft types, to cargo handling expertise, passenger service, and balance planning.
He has retained commercial pilot privileges and rating throughout.
Jim has been a P. Log for 10 years.

Balbir Hundle, P.Log.
Seaspan ULC – North Vancouver, British Columbia
Balbir’s 30 years of supply chain logistics experience has spanned many specializations, including roles in operations, warehousing and distribution.
Having previously worked for Ballard Power Systems and the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Balbir is currently Director, Materials Control at Seaspan.
He joined the P.Log. professional community in 2013.

Joe Googel, P.Log
BC Hydro – North Vancouver, British Columbia
Joe Googel is a career logistician with over 17 years experience with BC Hydro. He is a dedicated manager, pushes himself to continually learn and is passionate about seeing employees reach their full potential. Joe's experience ranges from working on the front lines of the supply chain stocking shelves and driving forklifts; to leading operations teams and implementing new ERP systems (recently SAP at BC Hydro). Joe brings his experience and ideas to his current role leading the B.C utilities regional operations supply chain teams.
From his childhood and education overseas, living in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Surabaya (Indonesia), Beijing (China) and Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates); Joe brings his love of culture, thirst for knowledge and desire to keep moving and adapting at all times to his work life and family life. Joe currently resides in Kamloops, British Columbia with his daughter and wife.
Having worked with the Logistics Institute since 2008 when first taking the Logistical Essentials series, Joe is excited to build connections with the Logistics Institute as a member of their Board of Directors.

Ajay Gupta, P.Log.
Sterling Agility & Sterling Compliance – Toronto, Ontario
Ajay Gupta stepped down from his last corporate position as “Senior Manager (& Head) -
Defense Trade Compliance & Contract Security”, Irving Shipbuilding Inc., based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
In late 2019, Ajay assumed a newly created role as Head Of International Trade / Risk Compliance and Contract Security functions (apart from being a “Designated Official” under the Canadian ‘Defence Production Act’) across Irving Shipbuilding Inc.’s various divisions to support, principally, Royal Canadian Navy’s ‘Arctic & Offshore Patrol Ships’ and ‘Canadian Surface Combatant’ Programs.
Inter alia, he re-vitalized and scaled up the Compliance Team to take on progressively more complex business challenges for these programs that will continue well into the
next few decades. While at Irving, Ajay also served on the “Industry Engagement Committee” of the Canadian Controlled Goods Directorate (Public Service & Procurement Canada), as Irving’s General Counsel’s Delegate.
Since then, Ajay is self-employed as the Principal Consultant at Sterling Agility and Sterling Compliance, respectively. In this role he enables and facilitates global trade by optimizing and streamlining logistics function, and enabling and facilitating regulatory compliance with trade laws. Additionally, he works to establish robust processes, procedures, and process controls, in both areas of his consulting practice, so as to equip SME’s to move at the speed of business.
Having worked in India, the USA, and Canada (apart from delivering on short-term
assignments in South-East Asia, West Asia, and Europe), Ajay is an international compliance and logistics executive with a global DNA. Previously, he has worked at a US / Canadian 3rd
party logistics firm (4 years), a major Canadian software company (11), BlackBerry (4), Pratt & Whitney Canada (3), and Collins Aerospace Canada (3), in various global logistics and trade compliance roles.
Ajay holds Bachelor of Chemistry (Honours) and MBA (Marketing & Finance) degrees from India, apart from IATA/UFTAA (IATA, Geneva), CCLP (Canada), P.Log. (Canada), and P.A.In. (‘Professional in Applied Innovation’, Canada) certifications.
Over the years, Ajay has been continually active within the academic and professional
communities, serving on the CITT Board of Directors (2008-2014), two Curriculum Advisory Committees at Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology (2000-2004), as a Judge at the DeGroote MBA Games-Strategy (2013-2014), and contributing articles and making presentations at industry forums.
Ajay is deeply passionate about the environment and CSR, and strongly believes each one of us can make a significant difference when it comes to sustainability, at the individual, community, corporate, government, and global governance levels. Since concluding his last corporate mandate at Irving, his primary focus has been to support logistics education and consulting assignments relating to global logistics and strategic trade controls.
Ajay started his career in India with Air India and taught part-time at the Sophia Bhaba
Community College in the Travel & Tourism Program in Bombay for two years, prior to moving to Canada in 1988.

Rindy Kerr, P.Log.
EmpowerPharm – Burlington, Ontario
Rindy is a Pharmaceutical professional with over 25 years of experience, having prior responsibilities for manufacturing, packaging, process improvement, facilities and project management.
Prior to joining EmpowerPharm she was the Site Director at Pharmetics in Burlington. Before Pharmetics, she was a Senior Operations Manager with Patheon Inc. Rindy’s past experience brings a thorough knowledge across organizational departments and a solid team attitude allowing for effective guidance of multi-functional teams towards results. She brings a customer-centric focus ensuring quality services to both internal and external stakeholders which is key in her role as Site Director for EmpowerPharm.
Rindy joined the P.Log. professional community in 2019.

Oltion Leka, P.Log.
Coast to Coast Experiences – Mississauga, Ontario
Oltion Leka is an executive with over 25 years of experience in finance, operations and distributions, IT, business expansion, HR, government contracting, mergers and acquisitions. He was the VicePresident of Finance and IT at Red River Equity Capital, Calyx Transportation Group Private Equity, and Totalline Holding Group LLC.
Oltion is currently the Executive Vice President of Finance, HR & IT of Rogue Transportation, where he brings his leadership skills and proven track record in achieving positive business results and expanding market share with controlling interest in private equity in financial, health care, logistics and technology industries in Canada and USA.
He joined the P.Log. professional community in 2020.

Adriano Magnifico, P.Log.
Louis Riel School Division - Winnipeg, Manitoba
For the past 30 years, Adriano has passionately worked to transform the high school education system and make it more relevant to the average student by injecting career development into traditional classes and creating innovative design tools such as the Lean Career Design Canvas to help learners find their fit for life and work.
Considering problem-solving, critical thinking, and entrepreneurial skills are at a premium, Adriano creates collaborations between local schools, businesses, non-profit organizations, professional associations, post-secondary institutions, and local community groups to enable better student outcomes and skill development.
Adriano wears many hats. An English/technical communication teacher, workshop facilitator, career development consultant, newspaper/magazine writer, and team leader adept at problem-solving, writing influential texts, motivating teams, building visions, and igniting cutting-edge programming for learners and organizations.